In low latitude zone area, horizontal azimuth sundial is not a good choice if one likes to make and use a sundial because its time resolution is very low during summer time. A simple vertical azimuth sundial,on the contrary, is much better. A model for 24.79 N (NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan) is made.
In this space information on the sundials which I know of or have seen in person will be posted. 說明一些日晷的基本原理。介紹一些我見過的日晷。 希望大家對日晷有更正確的認識,都能製作正確的日晷。 General principles and examples of sundials will be given here with the hope that sundials be read or made correctly.
2009年1月29日 星期四
日期線的利用 The use of calendar lines
中文讀者請至 http://blog.xuite.net/nycl.chiu/blog/21920199
Using the calendar lines on the dial face, one can read the time and find the true south without compass. A foldable and portable sundial is made to demonstrate this idea.
Fig. 1 shows the layout of the structure.

Fig. 2 shows the assembled dial. (The part above the horizontal line on the vertical plate should have been cut off.)

If the shadow of the nodus (indicated by the red arrow in Fig. 3) is cast on correct date line, then the time read from hour lines is the correct solar time. Otherwise, the time read would be wrong. Therefore, it is important to let the nodus casts its shadow on the right calendar line as close as possible. Once this is done, the sundial tells not only the time but also the local meridian line, which passes the 12 o'clock line.
Using the calendar lines on the dial face, one can read the time and find the true south without compass. A foldable and portable sundial is made to demonstrate this idea.
Fig. 1 shows the layout of the structure.
Fig. 2 shows the assembled dial. (The part above the horizontal line on the vertical plate should have been cut off.)
If the shadow of the nodus (indicated by the red arrow in Fig. 3) is cast on correct date line, then the time read from hour lines is the correct solar time. Otherwise, the time read would be wrong. Therefore, it is important to let the nodus casts its shadow on the right calendar line as close as possible. Once this is done, the sundial tells not only the time but also the local meridian line, which passes the 12 o'clock line.
文章 (Atom)
Sites of interesting Sundials and others
Black Bulbul 紅嘴黑鵯
- sundial 日晷
- 我喜歡金剛經和維摩詰經。希望大家願意對我多指導。從清大化學系退休以後又對日晷生了興趣。很願意將我所知的日晷與你分享。